If you have been traveling around the world, you know that Eastern Europe and Balkan countries are great places to hide out, and, to be honest, save some money.
However, that’s not why we wanted to visit Kopaonik. We decided to visit this gorgeous mountain because we heard that Kopaonik is the largest ski center in Serbia, but also one of the most beautiful centers in Europe.
In October 2016, we were a bit short on money, so we decided to visit Kopaonik. Unfortunately, we weren’t there in November, so we haven’t had a chance to ski and enjoy the snow.
Here’s what went down in Kopaonik:
We got to our resort around 6 am, which I found to be the perfect timing (the footage you see on the blog was taken as soon as we got there). I enjoyed the sunrise and the sounds of the birds. As soon as we got to the room, we decided to take a nap, and we were up just in time for lunch.

When we woke up, we decided to grab a plate in one of the best restaurants in Kopaonik. We got to “Alo, Alo” and ordered a barbecue. And let me tell you 一 the food was so delicious, so tasty, I could hardly stop eating, even though my stomach was full. I was actually thinking about ordering another plate, but Matt said I shouldn’t push it.
After eating one of the best lunches in my lifetime (no joke!), Matt and I decided to hike a bit.

And that when our adventure started. But, I’ll share all the details in Part II of our Kopaonik escapade.